No guys in girls rooms; no girls in guys rooms at any time.
Do not go in other people’s rooms during free time.
Do not go through anyone else’s stuff in the room.
Be on time to all activities and sessions.
Bring Bibles, pens and camp book to all sessions and morning breakouts.
If you're dating, holding hands is far enough. Don’t go anywhere by yourselves .
Let your small group leader know where you are at all times.
Every student is required to attend all events.
No cell phones, iPods, iPads, hand held game systems, or any other electronics.
No alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or vapes are allowed.
No pranking materials or pranks.
No bullying, period.
Failure to follow any rules or authority means you made the choice to go home.
Curfew is 11:30 PM to 5:30 AM—no exceptions.
Breaking a rule late in the week means you won't attend the next big event.